Our dedication is unwavering in collaborating with clients to deliver reliable and practical business advice. Our team of qualifed professionals is committed to providing easily understandable guidance, always prioritizing your best interests.
Summit Consultants provides access to all financial services to help you organize, build, and protect your finances. We start by understanding your goals, behaviors, and values, allowing us to create a tailored financial plan to achieve your specific objectives.
Our business clients are committed to their business's survival and prosperity, aiming to protect their assets and minimize tax obligations. They rely on their business for daily income, invest in property to hedge against inflation, and prioritize long-term planning to ensure a smooth transition when they decide to sell or retire.
These characteristics underpin the nature of the services we offer and provide, as follows:
Planning and Growth
Planning and Growth, Strategic Planning & Reviews, Virtual CFO, Advisory Board, Business Coaching.
Business Structures
Tax Effective Planning & Analysis, Year End Tax Planning, Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Business Insurance.
Business Compliance
Business Compliance, Income Tax Preparation, Annual Financial Statements, BAS Preparation and Lodgement, Bookkeeping Cloud.
HR Administration
HR Compliance, Payroll, Administration, SGC Reporting, Payroll Tax, Workers Compensation, Insurance Employee Contracts.
Property Construction Services
Property Construction Services, GST Margin Scheme, ATO, Liabilities Loan & Finance, Applications/Construction, Finance Setup of Companies.
Data Analytics
The extraction, reporting, analysis, interpretation and application of data stored in business software.